Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

How To Save Files to a Download Folder, not the Desktop With Mozilla

How To Save Files to a Download Folder, not the Desktop With Mozilla

SUMMARY: Force Mozilla Firefox to save downloaded files to a folder of your choosing.

Normally, Mozilla Firefox will attempt to save files downloaded from the Internet to the Desktop. If you'd rather store files in a "Download" folder of your choosing, perform the following tip:

1. First, either find or create the folder where you want downloads to be stored using Explorer or your operating system's file manager.

2. From Firefox, click "Tools" - "Options".

3. When the "Options" dialog box appears, click "Downloads".

4. Click the radio button "Save all files to this folder".

5. Click the "Browse" button, then when the "Browse for folder" dialog box appears, choose the folder you found or created in step 1.

6. When done, click "OK" on the dialog boxes to close the

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